Coach Elaine
Coach Elaine is a sought after Holistic Fitness Professional & Consultant. She is the founder of the V.I.B.E method, 4 reps to building a joyful, sustainable relationship with fitness.
Elaine graduated from the University of San Francisco with a Master’s degree in Sports Management, and has over 20yrs of experience in the health & fitness industry. Her vast work experience includes; Owner & Head Coach of Workout on the Hill, Model for the Core Coach Training System, Personal Trainer at EMWfitness, Health & Fitness Manager for OnLok's “Always Active” program, Transformation Retreat Coordinator & Pompa Program Health Coach. Elaine has worked alongside 2 Olympic Gold Medalists, Michael Johnson & Jennifer Azzi, assisting with the growth of their youth fitness programs.
Elaine played college basketball, completed the SF marathon, Tiburon triathlon, and her mission in life is to inspire movement at any age!