by Mallory Gaston

Why Do I Care About the Mallory Gaston Foundation? by Matt Remanick

I like the fact that the MGF is training people in a trade – giving...
Why Do I Care About the Mallory Gaston Foundation? by Matt Remanick

I like the fact that the MGF is training people in a trade – giving people an opportunity to learn a craft, apprentice and then work on refining specialized skills – it’s a neglected area.

The foundation offers an opportunity for those who have fewer opportunities to secure solid income generating jobs for a steady career. We truly need more of this for all young people.

Personal Impact

I’ve been lucky. I found a career where I could use my skills and interests and retired from that career. Now I want to give back – I want to earn more of that luck that I was granted, by sharing it with others – specifically young people who have not had the same chance.

Both my grandfathers were carpenters. This was passed to my dad, and my dad taught me a lot around the house. I value these lessons. And not all young people have this.

Great jobs using our hands, our bodies and our minds - and they seem to be less valued. This kind of neglect underestimates both the importance, and rewards of these professions.

There is such an emphasis on college – yet 60+% of young people do not even apply to college. The trades are deeply undervalued. And lot of people who are naturally talented in these jobs are undervalued, and this is what Mallory was addressing - this critical need.

Why is the MGF Personally Important to Me?

Growing up, I liked sports – and intellectual activities – so I participated in both – I feel I developed a fair degree of awareness and willingness to take responsibility for things in life – and credit both for that continuing to evolve.

What I learned from my experience playing team sports – is that you can develop a more powerful sense of community because it’s not just you – so I became aware how much more I enjoyed and appreciated the team sport for its community building capacity – so much more than the individual sports.

Again – this is what the MGF does – develops the emotional intelligence skills so our next generation of young people can not only be part of a community but develop careers in them.

Why Mallory and Elana are Inspirational

What brought me to the foundation was Elana.

Elana is a brilliant and very experienced person – and I trust her guidance.

Elana and I have known one another since college, and she’s had 35 years in the local and global non-profit social entrepreneurial sectors. I have sought guidance from her as I expand my giving back, and value – not only her advice, but her choices in terms of who she helps start new non-profit organizations.

She’s picked a great one with the MGF.

Mallory – his story – his vision – his character.

He’s an incredibly smart guy – he achieved so much and evolved in ways most people could not imagine.

These apprenticeships with MentorUp! are not just about push-ups.  It’s all the components – the comprehensiveness of the program. The Anatomy, Biology, In-person, hands-on training, mentoring and Emotional Intelligence curriculum.  This really drew me in and distinguishes the MGF from others – sits us apart.

The Importance of the MGF and the Role of Mentorship

As the MGF apprentices participated in their academic learning and personal training – I was not initially aware that they would be joining us for our group conditioning and strengthening classes. Watching them participate – know that there were at least 3 generations between us was inspiring – seeing young people truly engaged. It was invigorating for us. I worked with a lot of young people right out of college when I was at Accenture– what I liked when working with the youth – they were excited – they were looking for guidance. This multi-age mentoring is critical for all of us. It’s really an intergenerational mentorship where we are all learning from each other.

Experiencing the same when at Accenture as these young people are at the MGF – seeing ppl who want to do something with the foundation for themselves. With the board, and our mentors here to guide them on that path. It’s exhilarating.

A Call to Action

To Our Youth: You are the future. I may still be learning, even at my age – but what you learn will influence the future in ways that I can’t imagine. And I can’t wait to see how that goes.  Lots of young men and women from all communities are struggling – much of this weight has fallen on folks of color, and others for no reason - but not exclusively. All young people need the opportunity to learn a craft – the MGF is a unique place to learn about yourself, that you love, and how to create a powerful economic future for yourself and the community.

To Our Society and our Donors: My friends daughter said – be a modern-day kid – the youth are the future – understand them and where they and you will be aware of the most important future to pay attention to. Where I am going – I’m already mostly there. Having a strong and empowered youth population is the most vital activity we can support. They are the one who will guide our future.

This aligns with my personal values – in that the goals to become powerful, confident, self-respected are so we can contribute to the world.

This opportunity is not just about athletics – it’s being a human in society.


The MGF – Here’s a wonderful career. You don’t need college to have a great career to be fulfilled personally and in life. It’s that clear.